Friday, April 26, 2019

Final List_ Nationalism Anthology Vol 2

Table of Contents
Contributor’s bio Notes………………………………………….vii
Nonfiction and Scholarly Essays…………………………………1
Fanon’s Failure of Failure: Nica Cornell (South Africa)
Trumpism and Fetishism:  Is it the Beginning of the End of the Hegemony?: Andrew Nyongesa (Kenya)
There is a Lot of ‘inoracy’ in Donald Trump’s ‘Shit-Hole’ Utterance: Alexander Opicho (Kenya)
AMERICA VS AFRICA: Chenjerai Mhondera (Zimbabwe)
A message from the other: Joseph Pravda (USA)
facing page: Oupa Maurice as a Lieutenant, 1917: Mike Kantey (South Africa)
Visit the Populist Nationalism of Donald Trump in the Era of Globalisation: Luc KOFFI (Ivory Coast)
It ain’t tyranny if it’s privatized (Big Brother Inc. is watching you): Tim Bearly (USA)
Somewhere in Afrika: Zongezile Matshoba (South Africa)


The Hero: Tim Hall (USA)
The Campaign: Paris Smith USA)
A Party:Tim Hall (USA)

Trump Refused to know: Alexander Opicho (Kenya)
SHITSMAN MY STATESMEN: Chenjerai Mhondera (Zimbabwe)
For Norman Morrison: Tim Hall (USA)
PRODUCT: Larry Blazek (USA)
SHAMELESS WAS MISTER MANDOZA: Jorge d’Amizade (Mozambique/Japan)
HONEYCOMBS: Jorge d’Amizade (Mozambique/Japan)
MESSIAH FOR THE MISLED: Chad Norman (Canada)
US and THEM: Mandhla A Mavolwane (Zimbabwe)
I’m Humanity; I Outlive Walls:Tim Fab-Eme (Nigeria)
The Measure You Use: Tim Fab-Eme (Nigeria)
America: Adjei Agyei-Baah (Ghana)
trump-trump-trump-trumptrump-trump-trump-trump: Archie Swanson (South Africa)
Wheels and walls: the shutdown speeches: January 2019: Cheryl Caesar (USA)
If (with apologies to Rudyard Kipling): December 2018: Cheryl Caesar (USA)
Press Conference in the Rose Garden: October 2018: Cheryl Caesar (USA)
Afreet of White Privilege: David Holper (USA)
Charlottesville: David Holper (USA)
Charlottesville: Sean Lause (USA)
Ode to The Eagle: Fareed Agyakwah (Ghana)
SPLIT: Dee Allen (USA)
NEW HOMES: Dee Allen (USA)
ALIEN IN THE APE JUNGLE:Isaac Kilibwa (Kenya)
7thSpeed Bowling Alone By Candlelight: Gerry Sarnat (USA)
Amendment XIV: F.I. Goldhaber (USA)
The War on Terrorism: F.I. Goldhaber (USA)
WE THE PEOPLE:Jonathan Thompson (South Africa)
Of Inheritance: Miriam Bird Greenberg (USA)
Paper Dragon: Bruce Louis Dodson (Sweden)
SWAMPED: Bruce Louis Dodson (Sweden)
Nepotism Tango: Bruce Louis Dodson (Sweden)
BLACKBIRD: Cynthia K Matale (Botswana)
ROSES: Cynthia K Matale (Botswana)
NATIONALISM: Cynthia K Matale (Botswana)
The Trump Pledge: Bill DeArmond (USA)
Donald’s Breakfast: Munyaradzi Gibson Bopoto (Zimbabwe)
interview questions at the U.S embassy: Nkateko Masinga (South Africa)
while the world was burning : Nkateko Masinga (South Africa)
Sunday Best: Nkateko Masinga (South Africa)
Private Conversation: Changming Yuan (Canada)
Trade Deficit: Chinese Exported into English-: Changming Yuan (Canada)
Refugeeing: Changming Yuan (Canada)
After: Riak Marial Riak (South Sudan)
Sea migrant: Riak Marial Riak (South Sudan)
Healing: Xolani Ntuli (South Africa)
Policing the World: Zongezile Matshoba (South Africa)
Trumped: Zongezile Matshoba (South Africa)
Political poem: Silke Heiss (South Africa)
TRUMP ENIGMA: Okey Ifeachor (Nigeria)

Marshall Law: Joseph Pravda (USA)
Belief: Miriam Bird Greenberg (USA)
Publisher’s List…………………………………………………..266

About Editor

TendaiRinos Mwanaka is a Zimbabwean publisher, editor, translator, mentor, writer, visual artist and musical artist with close to 30 books published. He writes in English and Shona. His work has appeared in over 400 journals and anthologies from over 30 countries. Work has been translated into or is being translated into Spanish, Serbian, Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish, Bengali, Hungarian, Tamil, Romanian, French and German.

Contributor’s Bio Notes

Fareed Agyakwah (b.1984) also known as Kente Agyakwa is an award winning essayist, columnist, and a born PESTEL (Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal) poet with radical lyrical verve. Agyakwah was conventionally educated at the University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana- the same university whose hospital saw his birth. He has been writing extensively on peace lately. His debut book on World Peace for children is to be published soonest. His work has been published in The Harmony: Indo African Footprints, Setu Bilingual Journal of Arts Literature and Culture, Indology, Versatile verses and several other magazines, journals and anthologies
Adjei Agyei-Baah is a lecturer, translator, editor and currently a PhD student at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. He is the co-founder of Africa Haiku Network, Poetry Foundation and the Mamba Journal, Africa’s first international haiku journal. Adjei is a worldwide-anthologized poet and winner of several international awards. His maiden haiku collection Afriku published by Red Moon Press, 2016, was commended at The 1st Asian Literature Festival held in Gwangju, 2017 by Professor Wole Soyinka, Africa’s first Nobel Prize Literature laureate. His other books are Trio of Window (co-authored, 2018), Ghana-21 Haiku (2018) and Piece of My Fart (2018). 
Dee Allenis an African-Italian performance poet based in Oakland, California. Active on the creative writing & Spoken Word tips since the early 1990s. Author of 4 books [ Boneyard, Unwritten Law, Stormwater and his newest, Skeletal Black, all from POOR Press ] and 18 anthology appearances [ including Poets 11: 2014, Feather Floating On The Water, Rise, Your Golden Sun Still Shines, What Is Love, The City Is Already Speaking, The Land Lives Forever and the newest from Los Angeles-based Vagabond Books, Extreme ] under his figurative belt so far.
Larry Blazek: I live on a small farm write poetry, short stories and play guitar. I tinker with mechanical devices and have built my own vehicles. I grow some of my own food organically. I have been published in the "LUCKLOW","DAMFINO","PUFF PUFF","PANOPOLYZINE" ,"INDICIA" , and "RADVOCATE" among many others. I have been published in the "LUCKLOW","DAMFINO","PUFF PUFF","PANOPOLYZINE" ,"INDICIA" , and "RADVOCATE" among many others.
Munyaradzi Gibson Bopoto is a poet and a short story writer from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. A poem of his titled The Poet’s Sweat was published in the Best New African Poets 2018 by Mwanaka Media and Publishing. He has performed in arts festivals and pubs in Bulawayo and in 2018, he hosted his own arts event as well. His inspiration comes from various aspects like nature, philosophy, Greek mythology, love, and politics among other issues. His other passions include acting and songwriting. At the moment he is studying for a Diploma in Education at Hillside Teacher’s College.
Cheryl Caesar lived in Paris, Tuscany and Sligo for 25 years; she earned her doctorate in comparative literature at the Sorbonne and taught literature and phonetics. She returned to her home town in halcyon years of the Obama administration, only to be blindsided in November 2016. She now teaches writing at Michigan State University. She demonstrates in the street and online, gives readings locally and has published poems of protest in Writers Resist and The Mark Literary Review, and other poems in Poetry Leaves, The Trinity Review and The Mojave River Review.
Edgar Cambaza, pseudonym Jorge d’Amizade is Mozambican, born in Maputo City. First, his passion was comics. He drew comic strips a short time in Viva! Magazine. He is lecturer of Applied Biology at Eduardo Mondlane University and got his Master’s of Food Science in Australia. Now he is completing his PhD studies in Japan. He writes poems in his free time, mostly motivational, focused on freedom of expression and harmony between people. In 2016 wrote the poem “A love poetry for poetry” published in the anthology Experimental Writing: Africa vs Latin America Vol 1.
Yuan Changming, nine-time Pushcart and one-time Best of Net nominee, published monographs on translation before moving out of China. With a Canadian PhD in English, Yuan currently edits Poetry Pacific with Allen Qing Yuan in Vancouver; credits include Best of Best Canadian Poetry, Best New Poems Online, New Coin, Rowayat, Threepenny Review and 1309 others across 39 countries.
Nica Cornell is a South African writer. She has published in The Times; Aerial 2012; Africa, the UK and Ireland: Writing Politics and Knowledge Production; Botsotso 18; South African Foreign Policy Review Volume III; Writing Grandmothers: Africa Vs Latin America Volume 2 and 20.35 Africa: An Anthology of Contemporary Poetry. She published online on The Good Cemetery Guide, The Good Men Project, The Frantz Fanon Blog, Mobius: Journal of Social Change and the Kalahari Review. She is currently doing her Masters in African Studies at the University of Oxford.
Dr. Bill DeArmond is Professor of Mass Communications and Film at Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas.
Tim Fab-Eme has given us new poetic forms: musical, deep and charming at once; he writes about identity, exploitation, intimacy and the environment. His work has appeared in The Malahat Review, New Welsh Review, FIYAH and forthcoming in The Fiddlehead. Tim studied engineering at the Niger Delta University; he lives in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
F.I. Goldhaber's words capture people, places, and politics with a photographer's eye and a poet's soul. As a reporter, editor, business writer, and marketing communications consultant, they produced news stories, feature articles, editorial columns, and reviews for newspapers, corporations, governments, and non-profits in five states. Now paper, electronic, and audio magazines, books, newspapers, calendars, and street signs display their poetry, fiction, and essays. More than 100 of their poems appear in fifty plus publications. Their fourth collection, Food ♦ Family ♦ Friends, explores how those three things send us feasting, flinching, and/or frolicking through life.
Miriam Bird Greenberg is an American poet with a fieldwork-derived practice, and the author of In the Volcano’s MouthAll night in the new country, and Pact-Blood, Fevergrass. Her work has appeared in PoetryGranta, and The Baffler, and she’s the recipient of fellowships from the Poetry Foundation and the NEA. A former Wallace Stegner Fellow, she's served as writer-in-residence at the National University of Singapore and last year was a fellow at the Jan Michalski Foundation in Switzerland. She’s at work on a manuscript about the economic migrants and asylum seekers of Hong Kong's Chungking Mansions. 
Tim Hall, age 77, grew up in a white working-class area near Cleveland, Ohio. Attended Cornell 1960-4, co-edited the campus literary magazine. Went south in civil rights movement 1964-66, anti-war and anti-draft leader in Cleveland 1967, worked in factories since 1968, embraced anti-revisionist Marxism in 1969 (rejecting both Stalin and Trotsky). Active as auto worker, cab driver (led a strike), postal worker (in shop and union struggles) until retirement in 2013. Founded and edited Struggle, a Magazine of Proletarian Revolutionary Literature (, for 30 years from 1985; at present it is represented by a Facebook page of the same name and the web site. Author of two collections of poetry, one of short stories, four plays, theoretical essays and is working in fiction. Lives in Detroit, Michigan.
Silke Heiss is an award-winning writer, who has published poems and short stories in South African journals and anthologies since 1990. Her verse novel, The Griffin Elegy, was serialised in New Contrast 2009 – 2010. She is a member of the Ecca Poets and her work is included in their latest six books. She published eight books of poems in dialogue with Norman Morrissey (author of Strandloop). She launched her latest collection of love poems, Path of Beauty, in February 2019, and her journey of poems to death and beyond, Greater Matter, is being launched later this year.
David Holper has done a little bit of everything: taxi driver, fisherman, dishwasher, bus driver, soldier, house painter, bike mechanic, bike courier, and teacher. He has published a number of stories and poems, includingtwo collections of poetry, The Bridge (Sequoia Song Publications) and 64 Questions (March Street Press).  His poems have appeared in numerous literary journals and anthologies, and he has recently won several poetry competitions, in spite of his contention that he never wins anything.  He teaches English at College of the Redwoods and lives in Eureka, California, far enough the madness of civilization that he can still see the stars at night and hear the Canada geese calling.
Okey Ifeachor is a Nigerian writer, author, poet and journalist. Some of his poems have been published in national newspapers and magazines as well as in an Anthology New Voices.
Mike Kantey is a professional researcher, writer, and editor. Having graduated from the University of Cape Town in 1982 in English and African Languages, Mike spent some time in publishing industry with Longman Group (now Pearson) and David Philip Publishers. Currently based in Plattenberg Bay on the Southern Cape Coast of South Africa, he now runs his own publishing company, the Watermark Press.
Isaac Kilibwa is a Kenyan Poetry lover. His work has been featured on Writers Space Africa Magazine, Poetica Magazine, Kaafiya Milaao, Rhythm Divine Poet - Kolkata, Bonobology and Writers' Global Movement.He is the current Poetry Editor, Writers Space Africa Magazine, Editor in Chief, Poetica Magazine and Copy Editor, Writers' Global Movement Magazine.
Luc KOFFI was born in October 1984 in Didiévi, a region in central Ivory Coast. After obtaining a literary Baccalaureate in 2005, he moved to the University of Cocody (Abidjan) where he obtained a degree in Philosophy in 2009. In 2017, he obtained a Master's degree in Philosophy, Specialty: History of Science and Bioethics. His dissertation work focused on Claude Bernard's Report of Illness to Health in Principles of Experimental Medicine. Since 2018, he is a doctoral student in philosophy at Alassane Ouattara University of Bouaké with a thesis whose subject is on the Foundations and Challenges of Scientific Medicine at Claude Bernard. He is co-author of the Anthology of the Best African Poets 2018. His first novel entitled The Universe of the Flies appears in 2019
Sean Lause is a professor of English at Rhodes State College in Lima Ohio, USA.  His poems have appeared in The Minnesota Review, The Beloit Poetry Journal, Another Chicago Magazine, Struggle, Iluminations, The Alaska Quarterly and Poetry International.  He has published two books of poems, Bestiary of Souls (Future Cycle Press, 2013) and Wakeful Fathers and Dreaming Sons (Orchard Street Press, 2018).
Nkateko Masinga is a South African poet and 2019 Fellow of the Ebedi International Writers Residency. She was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2018 and her work has received support from Pro Helvetia Johannesburg and the Swiss Arts Council. Her written work has appeared in Brittle PaperKalahari Review, U.S journal Illuminations, UK pamphlet press Pyramid Editions, the University of Edinburgh’s Dangerous Women Project, and elsewhere. She is the Contributing Interviewer for Poetry at Africa In Dialogue, an online interview magazine that archives creative and critical insights with Africa’s leading storytellers.
Cynthia K Matale is a poet and spoken word artist from Botswana. Her poetry has appeared in spaces like Writers Space Africa and a forthcoming publication by The Kalahari Review.
You will find Zongezile Matshoba in your township or village or school or town or hall or open ground, and wherever there is a literary event for the young and old. His writings narrate the humour and hardships of township and rural life, and interrogates whether it is yet uhuru in people’s livelihood.
Mandhla A Mavolwane is a poet and a spoken word artist who writes and perfoms to entertain, educate and enlighten the masses on the issues affecting our past, present and future. He is currently studying for an undergraduate honours degree in Psychology at the Midlands State University. In terms of his artistry his poems have been published in Best New African Poets 2016, 2017 and 2018 anthologies, Africa, UK and Ireland: Writing Politics and Knowledge Production Volume 1 and Zimbolicious Volume 3. Recently he published his first anthology called Ghetto Symphony which can be found on this link   
Chenjerai Mhondera is an author, poet, performing artist (poet), music composer, actor, essayist. His works appear in over twenty publications; in anthologies, magazines, online journals and blogs. He was published in all series of BEST NEW AFRICAN POETS (BNAP), all series ZIMBOLICIOUS POETRY. Amongst his independent published books are MASASI ACHINOZ (CHINOTIMBA JOKES), HURRICANE TORTURES OF NOW, HURRICANE TO THE WORLD, A CASE OF LOVE AND HATE (Collection of quotes), MANIFESTO#ANTHOLOGY OF PEACE etc. He is also a founder and patron of International Writers Association, formerly Young Writers Club in Warren Park-Mabelreign district. He is a member of many literary or writers associations in Zimbabwe and in the region. He is a citizen of the World and comes from the East.
Chad Norman continues to do things his any true poet must in the current age. His poems are published in countries around the globe. He continues to arrange/ host events, helping other poets. His collection, Selected & New Poems, out from Mosaic Press, brings together 30 years of poems. He lives beside the high tides of the Bay of Fundy, in Truro, Nova Scotia. He is working on a new manuscript, A Small Matter Of Inclusion, poems which explore how he feels and what he thinks about peoples coming from other countries, due poverty, politics,  or simply seeking a better life, choosing Canada as the country they feel is where that life can begin.
Xolani Ntuli was born from Soweto, aspiring writer and performing poet and former student in mzansi poetry academy. Writer in: isiZulu and English. Performed in Siyagiya spoken word competitions in 2017 July and performed "69" poems hosted by UNISA university of South Africa and preformed in word and sound series, currently participant in C.S.P Currently State Poetry Youth Developments,.one of the member on YALE: Young African Leaders initiative 2018 Mandela Washington fellowship program. Performed at Boys and Girls Youth Africa Art and Culture competition in May 2018. He was nominated for the APAPA Poetry Awards: Best male poet and Best title poem 2018
Andrew Nyongesa is a novelist, short story writer, poet, literary scholar and teacher with great passion for literature. His novels are The Rise of Rodedom (2013) and The Endless Battle (2016), The Blissabyss (2017) and The Water Cycle (2018); all of which spin around the struggle of the underdog to subvert the values of the dominant group. His writing revolves around desire to dethrone dominant beliefs that incarcerate the otherwise free person. He has a voracious appetite for postcolonial literatures hence the focus of his scholarly works. He holds Masters of Arts (Literature) from Kenyatta University and is pursuing PhD in the same field. .
Alexander Ernesto Khamala Namugugu Opicho was born in Bokoli village, Bungoma District, in the former Western province of Kenya. He went to primary and secondary schools in Western Kenya. He studied Accountancy, then governance and leadership at the University. He is currently pursuing a PhD course in management with a focus on the gender fluids as managers. He has published poetry and essays with Ghana poetry foundation, Kalahari Review, Babishai Poetry, Face2face Africa, BUWA issue 6, Lunaris review, Afridiaspora magazine, Awaaz Magazine, Nairobi Law Monthly, Nairobi Business Daily, BNAP 2015, Management Magazine, Transnational Journal of literature at Flinders University, The East African, the East African Standard, Queer Africa Literary Association, African Voices, and on the He has published online more than two hundred essays, several literary criticisms and over six hundred poems. His five books are with the publisher. He believes that the praxis of literature is the practice of freedom.
J.B.Pravdawas born in Brooklyn, NY, US Government Attorney/Advisor (H.U.D.) during Watergate, when he 'Felt' uneasy about governments, and laws; later, public company CEO, lobbyist, now, multimedia artist, published produced playwright (paid royalties), columnist for leading magazines; a cancer survivor, he retired, on doctors orders, from business & lobbying; self-taught in visual arts, his paintings have been published & exhibited as well as included in a national touring exhibition as well as several multimedia exhibitions in NY and other venues. Published diversity author via major university, winning Finalist in Stymie Magazine's 1st annual collector cards edition.  Invitee, 2nd & 3rd Annual 'Slice' magazine Literary Writers Conference; Lifetime Guest Artist @ Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts via 2006 Playwriting Intensives (invitation only). In short, his work's been....paged, framed, screened &staged .>))
Riak Marial Riak is a South Sudanese poet and writer. He writes from Yei River state. His poetry is driven on life, love, death, nature and war. He had founded many platforms in the country and is now working on establishing first ever literary journal in the country. He can be reached at
Gerry Sarnat MD’s won the Poetry in the Arts First Place Award plus the Dorfman Prize; has been nominated for Pushcarts plus Best of the Net Awards; authored HOMELESS CHRONICLES (2010), Disputes (2012), 17s (2014) and Melting The Ice King (2016);  and is widely published including recently by A New Ulster, Gargoyle, Stanford, Oberlin, Wesleyan, Johns Hopkins, Virginia Commonwealth, Harvard, University of Edinburgh, Columbia, Brown, Margie, Main Street Rag, New Delta Review, Brooklyn Review, Los Angeles Review of Books, San Francisco Magazine, New York Times. Mount Analogue selected KADDISH for distribution nationwide Inauguration Day. Poetry was chosen for a 50th Harvard reunion Dylan symposium.
Archie Swanson’s poems have been published in English Alive (an anthology of South African High School creative writing) as well as the quarterly South African poetry magazines – Stanzas and New Contrast. They also appear in the 2015, 2016 and 2017 Best New African Poetry Anthologies and the 2017 anthology - Experimental Writing: Africa vs Latin America as well as the 2018 anthology - Experimental Writing: Africa vs Asia in which two poems have been translated into Japanese.  In 2016 three poems were translated by the Spanish poet López-Vega and published in the Spanish National Newspaper, El Mundo as well as the Bolivian newspaper Correo Del Sur. In 2017 two poems, labour of love and off to africa, were long listed for the Sol Plaatje Award and the poem flashback was shortlisted for the UK Bridport Prize. His poem journey is included in Absolute Africa! – a 2018 anthology of poems curated by Patricia Schonstein. For the past three years he has been one of the guest poets at the McGregor Poetry Festival and was also a guest poet at the 2018 Prince Albert Lees Fees (Reading Festival). His collection of 49 poems, the stretching of my sky, was published in 2018. Archie serves on the Board of the SA Literary Journal. He has lived in George since 1978. His involvement in the export fruit business and love of surfing has taken him to many countries. 


onald Trump is our example/query/ problem or solution. He didn’t really start this though. Apartheid South Africa leaders were nationalistic and racists. Robert Mugabe was a nationalist and racist and tempered heavily with Zimbabwe’s media freedoms. He also destroyed the economy through an illegal and forceful land reform program; telling the whites they don’t belong in Africa. The land question and belongingness are divisive hot topics in South Africa now. African countries have always complained of unfair international trade practices of western countries like the USA, Canada etc. Trump doesn’t want African immigrants into the USA, calling Africa a “shithole” continent. He deported and is still deporting DACA immigrants and many other illegal immigrants. He calls the media producers of “fake news”, and threatens media workers at the drop of a hat. He has fought with the Americans on several levels, he has fought with American allies on issues to do with security and trade terms. He has grown the American economy too! He is the most divisive American or western leader of our time and at the heart of his presidency, nationalistic agendas drive it. 
Africa and the Americas since the colonial period have been vastly changed and shaped by settler politics as both the immigrants and natives fought for nationality and belongingness and through the centuries there has been a continuous refinement of what it means to belong (as a citizen or foreigner). We invited scholars, writers, poets etc., to respond to issues to do with nationalism espoused by Donald Trump and others in these two continents in investigating issues to do with capitalism, global politics, international trade and media freedoms.
This book is the 6th volume in acontinuation of our cross-continental anthologies, and the second one in its own series. The first one had several leading scholars, writers and poets like Barbara Foley, Barbara Howard, BikoAgozino, A.D Winans, Tim Hall, C Liegh McInnis, Nat Turner, Allan Kolski Horwitz, Changming Yuan, Tiel Aisha Ansari, Diane Raptosh, Wanjohi wa Makokha, Paris Smith, Sheree Renée Thomas, and Kenneth Weene etc…, and is entitled, Africanization and Americanization Anthology, Vol 1: Searching for Interracial, Interstitial, Intersectional and Interstates meeting spaces,  is published here:
In this anthology Nationalism: (Mis)Understanding Donald Trump’s Capitalism, Racism, Global Politics, International Trade and Media Wars, Africa VS North America Vol 2,we have 10 essays, 3 fiction pieces, 51 poems, 2 plays from leading and upcoming writers, essayist, academicians and poets from the two regions, Africa and North America and their Diasporas, in these among other countries, USA, Canada, Sweden, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Botswana, Kenya, UK etc. We have professors, philosophers, street poets, academics, essayists, storytellers, academic poets, playwrightscoming together to transact around issues to do with the nationalism espoused by Donald Trump.
From the first essay, Cornell dissects issues to do with blackness and racism using Fanon’s theories, Nyongesa deals with the Fetishism of Donald Trump’s policies known colloquially as Trumpism, Opicho calls it ‘inoracy’, Donald Trump’s statement, “Shit-hole”, some essayist took to the personal narrative you would find in Mhondera and Mike Kantey essays, yet Pravda used the middle ground between playwriting, Filmmaking and the essay form, Ofodile investigates the problematic issue of Boko Horam terrorism in North Nigeria as the fight for a slice of belonging that is being waged in Nigeria, Bearly looks at capitalism, so does Koffi with his French Language essay which is also translated into English, Ifeachor in his poem has praise for Donald Trump, Hall goes back to apartheid South Africa period and as a direct tangent Matshoba deals with Xenophobia in his letter written from the future. Smith looks at the white supremacist demonstrations, for or againstTrump, Thompson and Swanson encourage us to unfocus on Donald Trump, and Thompson rightly blames us for allowing the likes of Donald Trump and the kind of Nationalism and Capitalism he stands for to grow. Thus this collection of writings is rich, robust and very interesting and will be valuable to scholarship to do with Nationalism, Capitalism, Media freedoms, Global Politics, Racism and International trade.